
Friday, November 4, 2016

Room 6 ready for Athletics Day

Athletics Day at school today. Room 6 did awesome. Great leadership and sportsmanship by most students today.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Room 6 Movie Stars.

Here it is . Room 6's Movie. Using the school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience we decided a black and white silent film would be a cool thing to try and make. We were one of the top 3 movies in our school and then went to the Kaikohekohe Movie Night to show our movie. We hope you enjoy.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What's happening here?

Room 5 students were asked to describe the following images using rich and creative language.
This is what Paris had to say.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Room 6 having fun with Matua Bodene from Project Energise. We were learning how to play touch. We played a range of games that taught us the skills of the game.

Up and Coming Rugby Stars

For our movie making in class this group of boys decided that they wanted to show off their rugby skills. They recorded it using an Ipad and then edited it using You tube Editor. They were happy with what they produced, next time they are going to work on creating a story line for their movie.

Movie Stars in Room 6

In Room 6 we had a go at making our own movies for the Movie Festival coming up. We had to come up with an idea and then write the script. It was tricky when we came to filming, lots of our ideas changed from what we had written. One thing we need to work on is making sure we can hear the person talking all the time.

Olympic Cookie Challenge

A group of students in Room 6 had the challenge of designing a biscuit and the packaging for athletes at the Olympics. They then had to use the green screen to advertise their biscuits. It was hard writing a script then remembering it and talking to the camera. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Movie Stars

We had some fun in Room 6 today filming scenes for our class movie around town. Watch this space for a preview of what we have created soon. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

We did it. CLASS OF THE WEEK. First senior class to relieve the award. Well done Room 6. Keep up the great attitude and showing the school values around the school. Proud of you all. 💖Room 6

Monday, September 5, 2016

E-Learning Symposium

We are having an E-Learning Symposium at school where students from our cluster will share their learning and new sites and programmes we can use. Parents and students are invited to come along and see what is happening and learn from students.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Cross Country Timelapse

A time lapse from our School Cross Country race at UK Rugby Club. Such a great day. Well done to all those that completed the course. Interschool Cross Country is this week.

Tyissa and Alex the Teachers

Tyissa and Alex took the role of Teachers on last week. They had a google hangout with a school down the line and taught them how to make an animation using google slides. What an awesome way to share their learning. Keep it up girls.

E-Learning Symposium

Homecoming Parade

Some of Room 6 were lucky enough to go to the Homecoming Parade for Blair Tuke and Peter Berling in Kerikeri on Friday. 

Maths Learning

In Room 6 we are learning to talk about what we are learning and why. We are also talking about the things that we are finding hard. Here is our maths ideas from week 5. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Olympics Day Fun

On Thursday we had our very own Olympics Day at school. Each class had been learning about a selected country that they then represented on the day. We began with our opening parade through the main street in town. For the rest of the day we took part in a range of fun activities at school such as javelin with straws, knee soccer and discuss with plastic plates. It was lots of fun. Here are some photos from Room 6 of the day.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Kia ora Ko Honey Tautari toku ingoa

There’s a new teacher in my class…………
I wonder who she is
I wonder where she came from
I wonder where she lives
I wonder if she’s strict or grumpy like a bear
I wonder if she’s nice
I wonder if she cares
I wonder what she’ll teach us
I wonder what she knows
I guess I’ll have to wait and see
What she has to show

To the Parents/Caregivers of Room 5

My name is Honey Tautari and I will be your child’s teacher for the rest of the year.  I look forward to guiding and supporting your child’s learning experiences.

I am a recent graduate of Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi and have been working as a full-time relief teacher at Moerewa School since the beginning of this year.  I had been a teacher-aide for six years, while studying for my teaching degree and have supported students of all ages and learning abilities.  I care that every student is given all opportunities to participate in education and I am an avid advocate of it.

I was born and bred in Karetu where I currently live with my husband. I am an active member of my hapu and marae and am responsible also for my elderly mother.  I have four awesome children and seven adorable grandchildren.

I look forward to meeting you all and welcome visits to our classroom.

Whaea Honey Tautari

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Olympics Day Preperation

We have a busy week this week. We are getting ready for our school Olympic Day on Thursday.  Our country is Greece. We have been learning out the country and creating things for a parade through town on Thursday. We also have our assembly on Friday where we are telling the history of the Olympic games.

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Unknown Seven stars by Simonie-Lee and Terina

Simonie-Lee and Terina wrote their own story based on Matariki and navigation using the stars. They made their slides and then recorded their story over the top.

Pania and the Stars by Te Aroha and Summah

Te Aroha and Summah used a myth they already knew to create their animation. They wrote it in their own words, created the slides and then recorded their story over top. We hope you enjoy it.

Te Tane's Journey By Ashton, James and Raha

Ashton, Raha and James created 152  slides for this animation. They then recorded their story for you to enjoy.

Our New Beginning by Tyissa and Alex

Here is the work from Tyissa and Alex. They wrote, created and narrated their own Matariki inspired animation.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

To Tatou Morearea By Jayda and Shanen

Here is Jayda and Shanen's animation. They wrote their story, created the animation then screen casted the story over top of it. Their motivation was Matariki and navigation. Have a look they have done a fantastic job.

Friday, July 1, 2016


Sending all our aroha and thoughts to Matua Manual and his Whanau. Get Better Soon. LOVE AND LIGHT.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Matariki at Waitangi Treaty Grounds

The senior classes went to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds to participate in Matariki activities. We were welcomed on with a powhiri. We then split into 2 groups. We played a variety of maori games including using the rakau. We then had lunch and were lucky enough to hear the kapa haka group perform in the marae. After that our own kapa haka group performed for them. It was really special being able to perform in the marae at Waitangi. The second activity we did was kite making. It was lots of fun. We had a great day.  

Opening our new school sign

We finally got our school sign up and had an official opening of it. It looks amazing. We are very proud of it. Thank you to all those who made it and got it up. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Putting a link in a blog comment

Alex in Room 6 found out how to add a link to a blog comment. Here is her screencastify explaining how to do it.

Puff n Pull - Pulling the train

In Kawakawa we have a train that goes through the middle of our main road. Each year we have Puff n Pull where teams have to pull the train down the road. Schools are allowed 40 children and adults have 20. The record how long it takes you to pull the train and the team with the quickest time wins.
This year we got asked to do a video for on What Now about Puff n Pull it was on last Sunday. Here is Kawakawa Primary Pulling the Train.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Building our Pa

As part of learning about Ruapekapeka Pa Room 6 had to design and make their own Pa site with our student teacher Miss Cochrane.

Basketball Tower

Today we had a problem solving afternoon. Our challenge was to use newspaper and 2metres of sellotape to construct a tower to hold a basketball. It had to be at least 30cm off the ground and be freestanding. The ball had to stay on for 10 seconds. Here is the winning team.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Train trip

This term we have been learning about where we come from. We were lucky enough to go on our local Train to Taumarere as this is our awa. It was a great trip.

Kuia and Kaumatua Day

We had Kuia and Kaumatua Day at school last week. Lots of our Grandparents came and worked with us in class and saw what we did on our Chromebooks. We then went to the hall and each syndicate performed for them. It was a great day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

2016 Prefects

Congratulations to all the students who were selected to be Prefects for 2016.


Here are 3 animation slides from our assembly last week. Push the across arrow quickly to see the animation.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Year 6 Masterchef

While the Year 7 and 8 students have been at technology at the College this term the Year 6 have been showing their cooking skills. In groups they had to plan and create a meal. Lots of fun last week as they got to make their creations. Some very yummy dishes.

Ruapekapeka Visit

Room 6 had a noho marae last week and visited Ruapekapeka. We have been learning about it in class and it was great to go and actually see the place we were learning about.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Blog Commenting

If you are leaving a comment on a class or child's blog use your WITTS.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Year 6 Cooking Challenge

Goodhue Award for Honesty and Integrity

Congratulations to Alex, who won the Term 1 award for Honesty and Integrity. Well done.

Swimming Fun at the End of Term 1

Year 6 Cooking Challenge.

While the Year 7 and 8 students are at Technology the Year 6 students are having a 'Cooking Challenge' over the next 4 weeks. They have been given 5 main ingredients which are mince, onion, rice, carrot, potatoes. They must use at least 3 of these. Each group received a mystery item which they must use in their meal. Each group can earn points to win a golden item for the meal. They are all busy planning what they are going to make. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Dry Race to the End

We had a race in the pool, Boys vs Girls. You had to get a member of your team from one end to the other without them getting wet. The boys worked together as a team and got Trevan all the way without touching the water. The girls ended up in the water.

Art in Room 12

We were doing some art with Room 12 the other day. We worked together to help them draw birds sitting on a branch. It was lots of fun working with our younger students.