
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Year 6 Masterchef

While the Year 7 and 8 students have been at technology at the College this term the Year 6 have been showing their cooking skills. In groups they had to plan and create a meal. Lots of fun last week as they got to make their creations. Some very yummy dishes.


  1. Hi Guys,
    My name is Maddie May from Selwyn House School in Christchurch. I really enjoy cooking and what you made looks amazing. What did you end up making?
    Best Wishes

  2. Hi!
    My name is Abby and I am from Selwyn House School in Christchurch! This looks so cool! What are some of the dishes you made? It looks like you had a lot of fun making them!
    From Abby :)

    1. hi abby my name is leilani and i go to kawakawa primary thank you for this comment and so for our dishes we made lasagne,and apple roses and we did have alot of fun making then:)

  3. Hi, my name is Lucy. Wow, that looks great! What did you make, and what was your favourite dish?

  4. Hi, my name is Tim and I am from Ashley school. I really like how you are doing this at a primary school level. I think you have some future chefs in your school. I think this would be a great idea for Ashley school as it puts a break to e-learning and can also teach us how to cook.

    1. hi tim thanks for this comment we would love to see Ashley school doing this cooking challenge(:

  5. Hi,
    My name is Jake. I am from Ashley School. This looks like a lot of fun. It is a good opportunity to start baking/cooking at a young age because it sets you up for life.

  6. Hi Jake it was fun. Cooking and baking is really fun and easy once you know how to do it. Thanks for the comment jake :)

  7. Hi Jake it was fun. Cooking and baking is really fun and easy once you know how to do it. Thanks for the comment jake :)

  8. Hi my name is Reily. I am from Ashley School like Jake. It looked like you had a lot of fun and learned lots of new things.
    Reily. :)
