
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Making Paneer Cheese

We have been very fortunate to have received the 'Is It Cheese Kit' from #schoolkit and #dairynzschools this term.  This kit is AWESOME!
We have looked into the different types of cheeses and where they come from, the properties of cheese and how it is made. We understand now how the PH scale works, and had fun testing different liquids to see if they were acidic or alkaline.
Then the fun really began! Today we made our first cheese, Paneer Cheese. It is a pretty easy cheese to make, with simple ingredients and we all got a chance to make our own. We did run out of lemon juice so some groups made it with white vinegar instead, but this did not matter at all. Most of us liked our cheese (we had it with crackers), some found it a little flavourless, and others didn't like it at all. We decided next time we would add a little salt for flavour.
The recipe is on Slide 2, have a go making it. We would love to hear about your experience!


  1. Hi there, my name is Kaia and I am a student in room 2 at Kawakawa primary School. I really liked the way you all got together to make it. Have you ever thought about adding something else to the cheese.

    1. Hi Kaia, thank you for your comment. We did not think about adding other things to the cheese, but this could be a great idea for next time. I personally love garlic and herb gouda cheese, or cummin seed gouda.

  2. Hi there, my name is Nicole. I'm in room 1 at St Patrick's school. I really love this, I think it is awesome that you made cheese. I would love to as well. Where did you get the cheese maker kit from maybe my school could get one and do the same thing? How long did It take to make the cheese and where did you guys make it and keep it? I love the way you presented it and I love that the slideshow moves by itself so people can see it, it catches there eye, I have never made cheese but I have made Ginger-beer. At my old school ( Awahono school) we made ginger beer and sold it at a fund- raiser for charity. We got a large ginger kit from the warehouse in 2013, We made 23 litres of Ginger beer and then sold it in plastic cups ( 250 ml) for $3 each. I really enjoyed this but maybe the slideshow could go slower because I couldn't really see all the pictures.

    _ Nicole

    1. Hi Nicole, thank you for your outstanding comment. We got the kit from SchoolKit. I'm sure your teacher will know who they are. Otherwise the materials and ingredients are not hard to find. We made the cheese in our class, and did not need to keep it anywhere as our students ate it straight away.
      Making ginger beer to sell as a fundraiser is a great idea. We may have to test that out.
      Also the slide is made through an extension called Drive Slides :) I will look into slowing down the slides next time. Thank you for your advise.

  3. cool i like this

  4. Hi I'm Ari I like that you guys get to bake and wish we could do it more often.
