
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Town Clean Up

Last week our whole school participated in a town clean up as part of our studies on conservation this term. Room's 5 and 6 were in charge of cleaning up the river that runs through our park and at the back of our town. We pulled out so much rubbish, including a shopping trolley! It makes us sad to think that so many people disrespect our environment and are contributing to the poor water quality in our area. We will be doing another clean up at the end of the term so hopefully we find much less rubbish next time.


  1. hi there good job you shuold show the mayor see what he would think.

  2. Hi Room 5 and 6, it's Pyper here from St Patricks School in Greymouth. I really like how you did something for the town and your School. But maybe next time you could tell us what your going to do with the rubbish or tell us all the rubbish you collected.

    Blog ya later!!!

    1. Thank you for your comment Pyper. We collected a lot of rubbish (a whole shopping trolley full - that we also found in the river! and much more). When we got back to school we sorted it out and then took the recyclables to the recycling center in Moerewa, and our landfill rubbish went out for the dump truck. Hopefully there will be much less next time.

  3. Hi Room 5 and Room 6 it's Hannah here I really like how you did something for your community It's good that you and your class are making a stand! but maybe next time you could was the most popular piece of rubbish

  4. Hello there I am Alexander from St Patrick's School, I think that you are amazing people for cleaning up your town, I think that if there is any wildlife in that river then they would be pleased.

  5. This is really good

  6. Hi there I am Ciaran, I like the way you were collecting rubbish from the town but you could tell us what you collected.
    Thanks, Ciaran
