
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Olympics Day Fun

On Thursday we had our very own Olympics Day at school. Each class had been learning about a selected country that they then represented on the day. We began with our opening parade through the main street in town. For the rest of the day we took part in a range of fun activities at school such as javelin with straws, knee soccer and discuss with plastic plates. It was lots of fun. Here are some photos from Room 6 of the day.


  1. Kia ora, Room 6 my name Is Ricci and i woud say that your olympics day looks so fun and exciting. Here is a link to my blog if you want to have a look at it

    Blog ya later

  2. kia ora, Room 6 my name Is Aubrey and i would say that your olympics day looks so fun and exciting.

    Blog ya later.
    by Aubrey.

  3. Hi there Room 6. I saw that your School did Olympics. We have done that too. That must have been lots of fun but next time could some of the kids have smiles. From Kelly at Ohaeawai School

  4. Hi there I really like your slides
