
Monday, June 20, 2016

Matariki at Waitangi Treaty Grounds

The senior classes went to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds to participate in Matariki activities. We were welcomed on with a powhiri. We then split into 2 groups. We played a variety of maori games including using the rakau. We then had lunch and were lucky enough to hear the kapa haka group perform in the marae. After that our own kapa haka group performed for them. It was really special being able to perform in the marae at Waitangi. The second activity we did was kite making. It was lots of fun. We had a great day.  

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Room 6,
    This is Room 13. We love your video about Matariki at Waitangi. You did lots of stuff. When we were watching the video, it reminded us of our trip to Waitangi.
    The music in the video is great. Maybe, one day we will make a video like that for our blog.
    We would like to see more of your videos.
    Thank you for sharing your work.
    Room 13
