
Friday, November 2, 2018

An Outstanding Piece of Writing by Mase

Last week we had to do our final writing sample for the year. We had to explain one environmental issue and what could be done to reduce this problem on our environment.
Mase (a Year 7 student) wrote the following piece and did an exceptional job. When it was moderated by other teachers from different schools he ended up with a total score of 38 which puts his writing at a level 5b! That is pretty outstanding!!! We are so proud of you Mase and love the way you write. I look forward to seeing where you go next year!

Rubbish and It's Impact on our Planet

Rubbish is a complete biohazard to the sea,the land and earth itself. It has become such a problem,millions of plastic bags are aimlessly floating out into the sea for another animal to become a victim to it. The epidemic is getting worse,but there are still many,many solutions to wipe the plastic out of the sea for good. Since all the ideas people have thought of,such as the upgrade of technology,the banning of plastic bags and the possibility to find an alternate solution are such common theories to help with the rubbish problem,people should keep looking into those ideas more.

1.The Technology: Technology is advancing very quickly,so it is very likely that tech could help with the problem of rubbish in the ocean and land. There are already inventions in the works such as a multi-million V shaped machine that traps all the rubbish in it,a vacuum sort of machine that sucks up rubbish and transports it somewhere (such as a dump) and a machine that sorts out recycling and landfill rubbish. Although they seem helpful,they’re still not perfect,Such as the V idea,If it’s going to trap the rubbish,is it also going to trap animals in to? So they’re is probably some work needed to the machines,but if done correctly,it could help a lot.

2.Ban Plastic Bags: The idea of banning plastic bags has been an in-and-out sort of question for years,But it is now already being used throughout NZ shops and supermarkets. Some stores require you now to bring a reusable bag to do your shopping,when other stores give you the option of bringing a reusable bag or using plain ol’ plastic bags. It could be a great idea to stop using plastic bags to reduce the amount of plastic going into the ocean,but it still doesn’t get rid of the plastic bags,so that idea may still need some thought into it.

3.Using a substitute: Some food shops are starting to now use substitutes to plastic cups and containers such as coffee cups being made out of plants and using different sorts of containers and wrappings made out of organic things,although supermarkets should start to use more recyclable tin cans for there food,they are still selling chips in plastic,biscuits in plastic and still all of there meat products are wrapped in plastic,so the supermarkets still need work.

In conclusion,Plastic is still a worsening epidemic,but with all the ideas of getting rid of rubbish over the last decade,it seems that people are finally catching on to the problem itself, so there is still a shimmer of light and hope that the plastic can finally just die off.

By Mase


  1. ki-a-ora room 5 & 6. Man That looks like a really out standing peace of righting. There was so much I couldn't even read it all. Keep up the great work :)
