
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Room 5 Domino Challenge

Room 5 have been doing a challenge each Friday. Our first one was a domino challenge, to create a domino pathway in small groups, that linked with other groups, to create the ultimate domino run. We got this idea from Room 12 who did a great job and made it look super easy. Turns out, it was not! However, we worked together, we completed our sections, and although there were some stops along the way, we managed to achieve our task with creativity and problem solving.
We did this over 2 weeks as we learnt lessons from the first try and wanted to try and do better. We used the bigger blocks first and worked down to the smaller blocks which was more effective. We found it hard to space out the blocks to ensure we weren't using too many, but were close enough to knock the next one over.
Have a go in your class, we would love to see your attempts.

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