
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Bee Garden

We are finally on the path to getting our bees! This term we researched bee friendly gardens and created some designs for our bee garden. We put together the ideas from all of our gardens, discussed new ideas, and came up with our final design. Next term we will get to work putting our design into reality and then purchasing our hive! Our space will be very cool, with hexagon shaped gardens full of vegetables and flowers. Bird baths, fruit trees, manuka trees and pebble pathways. Watch this space for updates :)


  1. Hello, my name is Akifa and I am from Panmure Bridge School. I really love how you took photos of flowers and named them. I just think with the naming you should add the attribution.

  2. Hi I am Rosalili from Panmure Bridge School and I liked your bee friendly garden, and it is really creative. Do you like bees? I don't really like bees because sometimes bees sting me.
