
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Share the Road

Today we were lucky to have a group of truck drivers and managers come to school to talk to us about sharing the road with trucks. First we watched a presentation about trucks and how to be safe around them. We learnt that trucks take a lot longer to stop than cars because of how heavy they are, and that when you are around trucks you need to be able to see the driver's face or you are in their blind spot and they can't see you. We learnt how rocks get lodged in tyres and can flick out when driving, also that trucks create a lot of spray (on wet days) and wind when they drive past.
We got to hop into a huge logging truck and play with the air horn (they run out of air when the truck is not going so it didn't last long!) We also looked at where the blind spots were.
Thank you so much to the team for teaching us how to be safe around trucks. We learnt heaps!

Did you know that a logging truck weighs 50 tons, a standard car weighs 1 ton - so 50 cars weigh the same as 1 truck!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Fun Run 2018

This year we decided to change our annual cross country to a fun run. The running track was the same, but we added fun obstacles that students could choose to do if they wanted, or just run straight past if they wanted to be more competitive. We dressed in our house colours and invited our whanau to join in the run for 500 extra points. We had an excellent turn out, the best in years, and we all had an awesome time. Here are a few pictures from our day... so much mud!!


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori Challenge

Te Reo kiriāhua kiriata

This week we have challenged our students to make a te reo selfie video where they share their likes and who they are. As teachers this meant we had to make one first to show them what we wanted. This was a tricky thing for us to do and we had to step our of our comfort zone, but we are pretty proud of what we have achieved.
We hope you enjoy. Look out for Room 5 and 6 sharing their kiriāhua kiriata next week.