
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Archery by Paris


‘Group 4 you are now moving on to archery with Matua Josh and Whaea Jackie’. Miss baker exclaimed.  Let’s go now because nobody wants to see kauri showing off  . Ok? .   i questioned him. i’ll try not too

Group 1 can you please come up and shot the bow and arrow. Matua Josh silently asked them. Who is in group 1? He loudly asked everyone. ‘ Xavier are in group one i answered. Who’s in group two? Arwyn and Tahurangi. So everyone knows what group they are in? yes we do.

Ces you know i think i might shoot somebody in the leg if they are standing out in the target zone!!! ‘Group 4 it is now your turn to come up and shoot’. ‘Ces that is me and you we both have to go up because it is our turn’.  ‘OK’. Tyissa exclaimed. let’s go now before we miss our turn. Ok. ‘ If you are going to aim for the board pull it back far and let go’. Matua Josh  exclaimed.

Wow i got the arrow on the board!!!!!!!!! ‘I shouted  with excitement’. I am so happy! Wow paris. Whaea Jackie exclaimed. well  it is time  for all of you to move onto your next  activity. ‘what is our next activity’? As I walked over and asked matua Josh.  ‘ We are having lunch then you are going to Whaea Verbina.

Urapukapuka Island By Malia

The wonderful breeze of Russell winds through my long brown hair as the cold water laps around my feet. I stare at the dock and The people waiting for the fairy to take them.
Soon I spot the bout that we are about to aboard and start lifting the gear out of the car.”heavy heavy heavy”. my sister moans.”it's not all, Heavy heavy heavy”. I pass my sister a small bag of togs.” there I bet you can carry that”. she moans again. I slowly carry a big bag of clothes towards uncles bout.”YAY”! I dropped my bag and raised over towards him.”I missed you”.
We clamped onto the old bout and I helped put the sails up, and we were off! uncle started singing a song,” 101 bottles of rum on a bout on fell of drop drop drop, 100 bottles of rum on a bout”. it went on for ages until, “ yay where here”! we started putting stuff in the dinghy and paddled towards the beach.
Me and kaia(my sister kaia) helped put up the tent and blow up the air beds soon it was getting late and we were going to bed soon.”wow my first camping trip at urupukapuka.

The Beach Trip by Kaushal

               🌞The Beach Trip🌞
1:Dolphin Boat
3:Water Fight

Yeah! We arrive at Pahia to go swimming but we first stop at the dolphin  boat. The boat was like a rocky road bumping all over the place. We see dolphins popping out of the sea like a jack in the box. My dad curves over the railing to get a picture. The sun is a giant heater burning our skin. I pose like superman on the tip of the boat. The whales yell at the top of their lungs. 

Splash! We stop our journey and we proceed to the beach. We build a gargantuan sand castle. We go to get our towels but suddenly… our castle gets struck by giant waves I rush to save it but I was to late.
We walk to the car to get our water guns. I plan my attack.

Splash my dad gets sprayed with a gallon of water with by water gun.
I try to hide under the bush to sneak attack him and avoid water.
My dad spots me and I get sprayed. I’m a sea monster walk out of the bush. I try to get revenge but I fail and trip. Now I am a sand monster trekking along the beach. We hike back to the car to end our adventure.

Archery by Kaushal

       🎯 Archery🎯

1:Picking It Up

I wait for my turn in excitement. It’s my turn I pick up the bow I slide the arrow in. I pull the string back in hope I can get the bullseye. I wait for Luke to pick up his arrow to see if he can hit the bullseye.

I aim with one eye so I hit the target. “No!” I yell. I've missed my shot horribly. “Remember You Have two other arrows” Matua Josh reminds me. I load my next arrow I aim as well as I can Bang!

Yes! I yell I hit the bullseye and I happily retrieve my arrows knowing one arrow will stay on. I give my bow to the next person and sit down. I hope nobody beats it.

Jump By Te Aroha

1.rope/ foam pit hoop 3. dodgeball

I stepped onto the wooden stairs and   patiently waited. I carefully leaned against the hot tin wall as the people in front of me  somersaulted into the foam pit. I slowly waddled onto the wooden stairs, the employee handing me the rope. I clutched the rope tightly and pushed off. When I landed my feet dug deep into the sea of square shaped foam balls. Struggling to get out I waddled to the side and waited for my sister at the top of the foam pit.

I marched towards the line of people waiting at the basketball hoop. The hoop was filled with bouncing teenagers. When it was my turn I boinged on the green trampoline with the foam dodgeball in my hand. I leapt in the air, stretched and threw the ball into the hoop.After my successful throw I patiently waited for my sister and carried on to the next activity.

I strolled towards the sign saying dodgeball on it, with my sister following close behind. I stood behind a green rope and patiently waited for my queue. The employee unclipped the green rope and pointed me to the right. I marched to the right and leaned against the springy trampoline. The employee blew the whistle and my teammates and I raced towards the foam dodgeballs sitting in the middle of the room. I tightly gripped the slippery ball and threw it to the opponents. After winning the game my sister and I headed into the direction of the parents waiting area and stumbled towards the exit.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

How we Use Technology in our School

A presentation by Tyissa and Alisi about how we use Technology at Kawakawa. They shared this with a group of teachers from local schools at a recent Hub Day Meeting.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Year 5 and 6 Camp

YEAR 5 and 6 CAMP

Room 3 had a great week on camp at Marsden Bay.
Here are a few photos of what we got up to.
We will share some writing with you once we have finished.


Friday, October 23, 2015

Gina from Project Energise came to school today.  We had a fun time sprinting and learning to jump over the high jump.  Lets hope we can remember our technique for athletics day!!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Kaushal All About me

1439762958856.2.jpgHi i’m Kaushal, I come from Kawakawa Primary and I love playing football. My favourite  food is ice cream. I like to do math and my teachers name is Miss Baker. I am 10 years old and I like playing with my friends. I love drawing and playing video games. My favourite colour is blue.


  Kia ora koutou eta whanau
                                          ko ruapekapeka te maunga
                                          ki taumarere te awa
                                          ko ongaonga te marae
                                          ko ngati hine te hapu
                                          ko ngapuhi te iwi
                                          ko Malti toku mama
                                          ko Bharat toku papa
                                          ko Kaushal toku ingoa

                                          no reira tena koutou tena koutou katoa.

Zaytaleah -All About Me

All about me
Sup my name is Zaytaleah. I was born at Kawakawa Hospital. I have been at Kawakawa Primary School since I was 5, now I am 10 years old. I am good at soccer and I like touch. I am good at rugby. My favourite colour is blue. I have over 20 cats but I know we have some kittens under the house.Oct 22, 2015 2:33:44 PM.jpg
My Teacher's name is Miss Baker.I am in room 3.

All about me Malia


Hi my name is Malia
I'm nine years old and I go to Kawakawa Primary School, my teachers name is Miss Baker. I love to play the guitar and write stories. My best friend is Jahesha and Nicole. Nicole goes to Russell School and Jahesha moved away about a week ago. I really miss her, soon she will be back I can't wait. My favorite movie is The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. My favorite animal is a wolf, I like them cause they stay up at night and howl. I like to play games with my neighbor Rohan and we’re both wolves I also play with my sister Kaia she is six years old. I do have a big sister but she lives in Spain, the only time we get to see her is at Christmas, she always misses my birthday. My birthday is in November, my little sisters is, well I don't actually know it's some time after Christmas I think. My dad lives on a boat and my mum lives in a house in Kawakawa. My favorite food is lasagna, I only get it as a treat but I always get mum to take it slow or it might under cook then it would be very cold it's happened before that's why I'm always helping my mum with it. I NEVER want under cooked lasagna again never ever ever again. I love to invite friends over for sleepovers and birthdays although my last birthday in November 2014 it rained hard so all we did was, pass the parcel, musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey, opened presents and had a huge sleepover with everyone that came to my birthday! Well, not everyone but most people anyway. AND THAT'S ALL ABOUT ME ME ME!

Xavier - All About Me


Ko Kawakawa te  Kura
Ko Waiomio te Maunga
Ko Taumarere te Awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te Waka
Ko Ngati Hine te Hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi                                                    

Ko Shirlene toku Mama   
Ko Gus toku Papa
Ko Xavier toku ingoa

My  best food is butter chicken. My favourite animal is a tiger.
I am 10 years old. My teacher is Miss Baker. In my free time I have fun. My favourite movie is Fast and Furious. In room 3 I would like to get to class on time.



Hello my name is Capri.
I am 10 years old.
I go to Kawakawa primary school.
My teacher is Miss Baker.
My favourite foods are take aways.
In my spare time I like to spend time with my family.
My favorite movie is Pitch Perfect 2.
I am in room 3.

In room 3 I would  like to work on finishing my work on time.   



Kia Ora Koutou katoa
Ko Motatau te Maunga
Ko Kaitoki te awa
Ko Waimahae te Marae
Ko Ngati te tarawa te hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Tyissa toku ingoa.

Hi my name is Tyissa I am now 11 years old My teachers name is Miss Baker I am in Room 3 at Kawakawa primary School In my spare time I like to play netball.My favourite food is Nachos. My favourite sport is Netball. My favourite animal is a Tiger. My favourite colour is Aqua. My favourite subject is Maths.

Denzel - All About Me

All about me
Hi my name is Denzel. I am 10 years old from Kawakawa Primary School. l am a year 6. l have 5 brothers and me and 2 sisters and my Mum, Dad, Aunty and Nan.
My Pepeha.
kia ora Rautau e ta whanau
ko Ruapekep te maunga
ko taumarere te marae
ko ngati hine te hapu
ko nga puhi te iwi
ko Denzel to ingoa
No reira tena routou tena routou ratoa.
l live in Waiomio and I go to Kawakawa Primary School.
My favourite food is butter chicken.
My favourite sports are Touch, Rugby and soccer.
My favourite subject is P.E.. because it’s outdoors and it’s fun.
This is my first
primary school. l like this school because children are kind and helpful and because my friends go here
and we’ re in the same class.
l hope you like about me.
This is all about me.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I peered out my window at the snowy mountain as we approach it.  Sweat cascaded down my face as I climbed out of the bus.  It was like going to the beach on a hot day but worse.  We had thermal clothes underneath normal clothes, a waterproof jacket over the top of a normal jacket, a beanie, sunglasses, scarf and waterproof gloves.  We trudged through the snow waiting for the others to come.  We had snowball fights and climbed little snow hills as we waited.  When we had climbed as far as we could we slid back down and posed for the camera.  By then the others had arrived and we were nearly ready to ski.

Everyone had found themselves a buddy to go down the lift with.  So two by two we all went down the first ski lift.  When we got down there we found ourselves a table to sit at.  After that Miss Baker sent us in the ski shop 10 at a time to get our skis and ski boots.  For some people the ski boots were easy to put on but for the rest it was a bit hard.  The ski boots were really tight and uncomfortable.  They were really hard to walk in because you had to walk on your heel first and then your toe.  But after a while you get used to it.  To put your skis on you had to put your toe in first and then push your heel down to click it into place so your skis would not fall off.   

It took me a long time to learn how to ski because I didn’t know how to stop properly and I kept falling.  I found it really hard to stop at first but then i started to get the hang of it with Miss Baker’s help.  To stop all you needed to do was make a pizza shape.  When i was confident enough I was allowed to ski down to the bottom of Happy Valley.  At the bottom I had to wait in line with my skis and poles.  When I had reached the front of the line I had to wait for the scanner to scan my card.  Then I had to quickly get onto the ski lift so it could take me to the top again.  Then I had to ski down again and again and so on…………………………..

By Angel Davis


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pop Art

Room 5 experimented with the chrome books to produce some "silly" art.  We hope you find this funny.

Partly Cloudy

  Partly Cloudy
Wispy clouds hover through the rose sky. Stalks soar in the sky landing on pink fluffy clouds. Magically the cloud zaps a pile of  clouds turning it into an animal figure. The cloud then wraps it into a plain white sheet and carefully hands it over to the stalk. The stalk glides through the sky carrying the plain white sheet to a dog kennel. while down below a dark grey cloud sadly peeks above to see pink rosy clouds making impressive figures. A bird landed on the dark grey cloud. The nearly featherless bird stood there wings wide open waiting for another delivery. The cloud got a pile and magically zaps it. A baby crocodile appears snapping and munching the cloud’s finger. The cloud handed the bird the sharp crocodile cautiously. The stalk reluctantly gripped the sheet by the tip and carefully hovered all over the place with the baby croc.The stalk flew back more featherless than before. The dark grey cloud moulded another pile and zapped a baby ram. The ram smashed into the stalk leaving the bird a painful gutt feeling. The cloud tied the ram into another plain sheet and and flew off into the distance. A bald patch sat upon the bird’s head. The

Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy
The stalk birds happily flying out of the sky to house and to a kennel, to doors delivering of people's babies and animals babies. The babies are made from cute happy chubby clouds from the sky  that are made of love, smiles and happiness  and with the pinkness of a rose. There was only one cloud that had the sadness of lightning and the darkness of pitch black  but he still had a little smile on his face, he would make dangerous animals like sharks and porcupines.