
Friday, September 24, 2021

Making Manu Taratahi (Part 1)

As part of our learning about Rāhiri, we have been making manu taratahi (kites). Rāhiri got his village to make a massive, long rope out of harakeke (flax) and tied it to a kite. He threw the kite into the sky and where it landed he split Ngapuhi into 2 parts for his sons Uenuku and Kaharau. Our manu taratahi are made out of raupo, harakeke and toi toi. First we had to make a frame for our kite. We did this by tying 3 sticks of toi toi in a triangle shape. We also tied a stick across the top to make it stable and strong. Next, we had to tie the raupo onto the toi toi using a criss cross weave. We have been finding this part really tricky but we have been super resilient and we keep trying. We are impressed with how they are going and are nearly finished. We will show you the finished ones next week (part 2). Here are some pictures of our first steps.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Staying in our Bubbles - Lockdown 2021

 During lockdown, we did lots of mahi. It was really different from schoolwork because we were at home. Our teacher gave us daily tasks that were heaps of fun. We got to go on scavenger hunts, make robots, build huts and reading nooks, creating obstacle courses and games, we used our maths eyes, we had active tasks and crafty tasks.  When we finished our tasks we had to take photos or videos to send to Whaea Dana. She loved seeing all the cool stuff we were doing!

We also had learning packs that we could do in our own time.

We had lots of emotions during the lockdown. Happy because we slept in, had no time limits and we spent heaps of time with our whanau. Sad because we couldn't play sports and we couldn't see our friends and other family (we did video call them though). Mad because we couldn't hug. Bored because we were stuck at home. Frustrated because our siblings were doing their own things and wouldn't play with us sometimes.

We love being back at school, seeing all our friends, and playing with them. 

Here is a slide show of some of the mahi we did during lockdown.