
Friday, June 4, 2021

Kupe's Travels

This term, we have been learning about Kupe and his voyage to New Zealand.

We created a Google map that shows where Kupe traveled.

Here are some things that we learned.

1. Kupe was a great chief from Hawaiiki.
2. Kupe followed Te Wheke o Muturangi to New Zealand. He killed him because he was eating all the fish in his village.
3. His wife saw the long white cloud and named our land Aotearoa.
4. He came in from the east coast and first landed in Wellington Harbour.
5. When he came back from killing Te Wheke, he found his daughters had slashed their chests and the blood stained the rocks. These are named The Red Rocks or Pariwhero. 
6. He named the two islands in the Wellington Harbour after his daughters. Matiu and Mākaro.
7. He went to Sinclair Head to gather seafood and collected seaweed to make storage bags for the kai.
8. He travelled around the South Island where he found pounamu as he explored up a river.
9. He started travelling around the North Island and went into the Whanganui River to find people. His servant drowned when he tried to cross the river to collect wild cabbage.
10. He planted karaka seeds at Patea.
11. His family travelled all the way up to the Hokianga where they decided to settle for a while because there was plenty of kai available. 
12. While in the Hokianga, he sacrificed his baby son which turned into a taniwha. He also cursed the place Kohukohu because his hangi didn't work. He left his taniwha Arai-te-Uru and Niniwa to guard the entrance to the Hokianga.
13. Finally, he went back to Hawaiiki. He passed on all his knowledge and his waka to his grandson Nukutawhiti. He brought heaps of people over to New Zealand and this was the start of the great migration. 

Here is our map of Kupe's journey. 

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