
Friday, May 14, 2021

Footprints of Kupe

 Excitement washed over us as we arrived at Manea - Footprints of Kupe, in Opononi on Wednesday.

Our guide took us on a walk through a garden of carved statues. She told us old stories about the gods and how they helped Kupe on his journey to Aotearoa.  Next, we went into the dark theatre where we watched a terrifying but cool show about Kupe and the Giant Wheke. We felt Te Wheke's tentacles touch our legs and some people were very scared.

We learnt that Kupe sacrificed his baby son who became a taniwha in the Hokianga. We thought this was pretty sad. There are 2 other taniwha at the entrance to the Hokianga Harbour their names are Araiteuru and Niniwa. Tumatuenga the God of war gave Kupe strength so he didn't give up on his journey. Kupe had his best friend Ngahue journey with him on the waka Tawhirirangi.

The trip was exciting and fun, even if we did get a little scared. We are enjoying learning about Kupe.

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