
Friday, March 26, 2021

Room 16's Assembly

 Today, we had our assembly. We had to show our learning to the rest of the school. 

We chose to share what we know about the types of waka and the actions we learnt to help us remember the names. We also showed our artwork that was inspired by Andy Warhol, in a style called pop art. Our next item was showing the school Keyanah's sign language that we have been learning. Our final item was a play called Rātā me te Rākau. It is about showing respect to Tane Mahuta for the gifts he gives us. We should always thank him when we use things from nature.

Next time we do assembly we need to work on talking louder so everyone can hear us clearly and also making sure we are quiet when we are not speaking.

Some of our whanau came to watch, we were proud to perform in front of them. We were a bit shy and nervous, but we still pulled off a great show. 

Friday, March 19, 2021

Two Babies and a Funeral

 Yesterday, one of our class fish passed away. We were very sad. We placed it in a box, on a bed of comfortable leaves and flowers, and wrote messages on the lid. 

Today, we all took turns digging a hole in the garden to bury our fish. We each put some dirt on top and said goodbye, then we sang a waiata. 

When we came back inside we discovered 2 baby fish in the tank. They are so small they are hard to see, but they are so cute! We are excited to watch them grow.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Tsunami Warning in the North

Last Friday, there was an earthquake under the sea that caused a tsunami warning in our area. People next to the water had to evacuate to high ground. We were safe because our school is on a hill, but some of us had to go home so we were safe with our whanau. We felt scared because we thought it could get us if it was a big one, and we had whanau that worked near the water that we were worried for.

Some of us went home and watched the news. Those that stayed at school played and we learned about tsunamis.

We learned that:

1. We are safe because we are up high - get to high ground if you are near water.

2. A tsunami is a surge of water that causes a wave.

3. A tsunami can be as small as 30cm or as big as 100ft.

4. We should swim in rivers or the beach after a tsunami warning as it could be dangerous. 

We felt relieved that it turned into nothing major.