
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2019 Graduates... Good Luck

This year we have had to watch, as an amazing bunch of our students from last year, leave the nest and head away to college. We all miss them like crazy but wish them all the very best for their new adventures at their new schools. Here are some pictures of our beautiful/handsome graduates at their Year 8 Graduation last year. They sure do scrub up well!


  1. Hi rooms 5 and 6 it is Vaughan I miss you so much 😭😧😭😧. You are the best classrooms in the whole school. when I see the students waiting for the bus at the college in the morning remember how great primary was. The best time I had at primary it was when I made my first friends 🙌

    1. Nawww, Hi Vaughan!! Thank you for commenting on our blog, it is so great to hear from you! We miss you so very much as well and we hope you are enjoying your time at college. Make sure you come and see us some time, and let us know when you have your college blog going so we can keep tabs on what you are up to. Love you xxx
