
Monday, October 29, 2018

Te Haerenga - Directions

In our class we have been learning how to give simple directions in Maori. We had to work with a partner, who was blindfolded, and direct them through the maze without hitting the sides. It was harder than we thought, but we had a lot of fun trying to get through. We hope to learn more directional language so we can direct a person to a destination. These are the instructions we learnt. Have a go directing a partner through our maze below and let us know how you did.
 Haere tōtika - go straight.

 Piki ake - go up

 Heke iho - go down

 Ka tu - stop

Related image


  1. Kia ora room 5 and 6 I like the way that you put some of the Maori words on the slideshow for people that don't know what the words mean and I thought that it was a good activity to do as well.

  2. Hi, I like this activities you done, I looked like lots of fun! I tried it but i couldn't do it.

  3. Kia ora Kawakawa primary. It's Kayla here. The slide show once again is at the perfect speed, and you gave us a copy of the sheet and the proper words for the directions, which I really liked. I also liked how you the couldn't see anything, and and they really had to think about it.
    Blog ya later

  4. Kia ora room 5 and 6 my name is Ngapua I like the way that you put some of the Maori words on the slideshow for people that don't know what the words mean and I thought that it was a good activity to do as well.
