
Monday, April 16, 2018

School Kit 2018

Thank you to Room 21 at Taradale Intermediate for being our buddy class for School Kit's Get NZ Writing for 2018. We loved reading all about you reading your awesome metaphors! Hopefully we can be in touch in Term 2 :)

Thursday, April 12, 2018


A couple of beautiful pieces of poetry from students in our class about ANZAC

Swiftly moving across the field Staying on guard, not being held
Running through the smoke and fog
Looking around for a people alike
Seeing nothing, not even a target walking through the smoke
He found a place with shelter and permanent peace.

By Angel

Family members marching towards the danger of war, making the ultimate sacrifice for their country and loved ones freedom. 
Gallipoli, the sounds of soldier’s guns roaring throughout the country.
Troops coming out of their trenches, running and screaming out their battle cries towards the enemy, as many soldiers fall, bleeding out.
Planes would be heard from a few miles away dropping bombs, costing many lives or injuries. Soldiers suffering throughout the hot steaming summer and freezing in the frosty winter.
Silence was hardly made.
They shall never grow old, as we are left to grow old, age shall not weary them, nor years will condemn them, at the going down of the sun, and in the morning. We will remember them.

 By Hana

Sunday, April 8, 2018

ANZAC day prepearion

On Friday we went down to the RSA and helped with ANZAC day preparations. We had to make up the boxes that the poppies go in and then put the poppies in them. We had to add the pins to the poppies also. We then took the boxes and walked through town and delivered them to the local shops for them to sell between now and ANZAC Day. It was great to be able to help out in our community.

River Poem

Some great writing about the River by Malia.
River poem
Don't always blame the river
Silent waters flow through the level land
Crystally sparkles in the sunlight
Through the valleys and into the ocean
The pitter patter of the rain
Speeding up the flow
Enlarging the water amount
The river rapidly runs
Too much rain
Let the water into the ocean
As waves hit upon the sandy banks
There is a storm tonight

Don't always blame the river

Week 10 Certificates

Congratulations to Roxy, Tyran, Flo and David for receiving the class certificates for Week 10.


Some beautiful writing for Te Aroha. They were given the topic 'Sport' and could choose what style of writing they used.