
Friday, June 19, 2015

Room 3's Awesome Mural

We all worked very hard on our class mural and are so proud of the finished piece. We can't wait to see them put up around the school! :)


  1. Wow! Looks awesome Room 3. I love all the bright colours and how it shows who we are as a school. Can't wait to see all the murals up around the school.
    Miss Baker

  2. Awesome Mural Room 3. We love how you put heaps of effort into your art and all the different colours you have used.
    From Room 9

  3. I am very impressed with your art skills Room 3. I love the vibrant colours in your mural and think it will be stunning displayed at Kawakawa School. It is great to see that it has been a real team effort. You should all be very proud of your creation!

  4. Your mural is a fantastic, colourful piece of art. You should be really proud of your effort. Well done!

  5. Your mural is a fantastic, colourful piece of art. You should be really proud of your effort. Well done!

  6. The mural is fantastic my favourite is the rugby one it is very colourful and it has lots of great pictures. I was wondering how long did it take? and what colour did you use ?

  7. I think your art if beautiful. The mural is so colourful and huge. I wonder how long it took you it took ours a week.
