
Friday, February 26, 2021

Water Safety

 On Monday we had a water safety lesson. We put life jackets on and learnt how to block our airways as we jumped into the water. We learnt to float in the help position, how to get into a huddle and how to make a chain to move through the water as a group. The non-swimmers had to through the safety line to swimmers who were signalling for help. 

We found it hard to fall back into the water because it was scary. We all achieved it though and we felt proud of ourselves. 

We love water safety lessons and can't wait for next weeks lesson.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Introducing Room 16

In Room 16, we were learning to share about ourselves. We made a video that showed all the things we like to do as a class. We learnt that we had to be quiet when we are recording scenes, and that we had to speak to the camera so you can hear what we were saying. The part we found most challenging was saying our lines at the same time. Next time we are going to practice our lines more together. 
We love our video, we hope you like it too.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Room 16 Explores Kawakawa Primary School

 On Tuesday (our first day back at school), Room 16 went for a walk around the school to show our new tamariki around. We took pictures of all the different places and learnt where to find all the teachers and other staff. We also learnt how to walk quietly with our hands behind our back so we don't touch things as we go. This shows respect.

Here is our video of our exploration.