
Monday, April 22, 2019

Excellent attendance

Well done to everyone who received an Excellent attendance award today. 4 or less days absent this term. Attendance = success. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

School Swimming Sports

On Friday we had our school swimming sports at the college. Here is a little video of our day. We had lots of fun and we all tried so hard in our races. Some of us are off to inter school swimming sports this Friday to compete against the other schools in our area. Enjoy our video.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Are We There Yet????

This term we have been very fortunate to have gone on the Women's suffrage journey with School Kit. Our students have learnt how important this movement was for our country and for women in general. They have written poems, found out about some of NZ's most influential women and interviewed a woman in their lives. I am beyond proud of the thought, creativity and effort that most put into their presentations and know they are very proud too. They learnt so much about their interviewee and were stoked to have had the experience. Thank you so much School Kit for opening our eyes to a part of our history we have not looked into yet.
#arewethereyet #schoolkit
Here is us sharing our learning in our assembly.