
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Room 6 Movie Stars.

Here it is . Room 6's Movie. Using the school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience we decided a black and white silent film would be a cool thing to try and make. We were one of the top 3 movies in our school and then went to the Kaikohekohe Movie Night to show our movie. We hope you enjoy.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What's happening here?

Room 5 students were asked to describe the following images using rich and creative language.
This is what Paris had to say.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Room 6 having fun with Matua Bodene from Project Energise. We were learning how to play touch. We played a range of games that taught us the skills of the game.

Up and Coming Rugby Stars

For our movie making in class this group of boys decided that they wanted to show off their rugby skills. They recorded it using an Ipad and then edited it using You tube Editor. They were happy with what they produced, next time they are going to work on creating a story line for their movie.

Movie Stars in Room 6

In Room 6 we had a go at making our own movies for the Movie Festival coming up. We had to come up with an idea and then write the script. It was tricky when we came to filming, lots of our ideas changed from what we had written. One thing we need to work on is making sure we can hear the person talking all the time.

Olympic Cookie Challenge

A group of students in Room 6 had the challenge of designing a biscuit and the packaging for athletes at the Olympics. They then had to use the green screen to advertise their biscuits. It was hard writing a script then remembering it and talking to the camera.